Product Info


With over 30 years experience in the Australian furniture industry, we have been asked time and time again for a solution to messy power cords running through the room to power your electric recliner suite, your parents' lift chair, your sit to stand desk and your adjustable bed. Well now it's here!

The Furniture Revolution Rechargeable Power Bank can remove those unsightly cords, dangerous trip hazards and restore the good looks in your room. Use the unit cord-free and re-charge when the LCD display shows you it's low or the audible chime sounds to remind you its time.

Essential to avoid being stranded due to a power outages, the battery bank can provide power when the grid has given up - simply connect the battery bank in-line with your transformer to ensure power is ready and your furniture can operate as it should when mains power cannot. (this setup is most common for lift chairs and adjustable beds, especially for our clients who depend on the operation of their furniture 24/7.)

We haven't forgotten about "Y" cords, sometimes known as splitters that you can purchase to power multiple electric mechanisms from the one power bank. If you require an extension cord to help position the power bank in an area you want - its all here, carefully thought out to make it easy for you.

Our latest enhancement of an in-line switch as pictured below allows you to control when you send power to your motion furniture. If your recliner has USB charging ports or LED indicators that are always using power when your furniture is not in use, then flick the switch, turn off the battery power and get more from your battery without having to re-charge as often. Simply flick the switch back on when you're enjoying the comfort of your motion furniture and relax.

Please note, some lounge suites come equipped with USB charging ports and LED indicators -  you may experience power leakage from these ports, and they may prematurely drain the battery bank faster than expected. Our latest feature enhancement of an in-line switch ensures you have complete control and can ensure you get full life from your battery. 

Please check out the products and if you need any questions answered, click on "Contact", and we'll do our very best to help. 

Set up your home the way you want, remove those unsightly cords and dangerous trip hazards. Start enjoying your furniture your way.

Welcome to the Revolution.



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